Why Healthy Vending?

Healthy Vending : What does that even mean?

Healthy Vending services now offered in The Woodlands! People are generally becoming more health conscious in their daily life at home and at work. Employees will naturally look for healthier snack and drink options in the workplace. Thus, the concept of healthy vending is born! There is a growing crowd of people that want to know that when they reach for a snack or drink that they have the choice to have a healthier drink or a healthier snack. The biggest concern is how a lot of traditional vending machine food is often filled with sugar, too much salt, MSG and a slew of other ingredients that we don’t even understand.

Active Life Vending in The Woodlands, TX can provide your employees and customers with the healthy and delicious snacks, drinks and meals that they crave. We are willing to work with our customers and locations on what we fill the machine with. If the location is interested in Healthy Vending, then that’s where we start. So, by filling the machines with healthier products we call this trend Healthy Vending. And, the vendors that only provide chips and candy bars would be considered traditional vending. Or, I guess would be called Junk Food vending.

Why Promote Healthy Eating?

Many companies have implemented, or are in the process of implementing, Corporate Wellness Programs as a means to help lower rising healthcare costs and promote a healthier, more productive work force. Eating a healthy, balanced diet has many benefits for the overall health of your employees including increased energy and work productivity — even fewer sick days. 

A healthy diet can also help to prevent health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes.

Some people might think it is a trend or fad to want healthier food, but the statistics and experts show that this is indeed a growing problem in our country, and it NOT new information.

Conditions like Diabetes lead to other serious health problems that effect your quality of life, your happiness, family & friends around you, your productivity and most seriously your LIFE! 

The prime workforce age is 25 to 54 years old. The age of 40 is an interesting marker, because this is someone that now has a lot of experience, and really should be at the pinnacle of their career. This can mean people that should be rising even higher between the age of 40 and 54, is distracted with health worries and dealing with limitations when they have the most mental experience and age experience. This is less than optimal. 

From 1998 to 2013, a group of 318,083 Type 2 diabetes patients and 1,575,108 individuals of similar age, sex, and location were observed by researchers using data from the Swedish National Diabetes Registry to study heart disease-related ailments. Furthermore, deaths caused by heart disease or any other factor were monitored from 1998 to 2014.

  • The risk of death, stroke, heart attack, heart failure, or atrial fibrillation was found to be the highest among individuals diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes before the age of 40.
  • In most categories, women had a higher risk of excess cardiovascular disease and mortality compared to men.
  • As the age of diagnosis increased, the excess risks of cardiovascular disease and loss of life years declined progressively.

Read the below statistics about Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes. What we should all be worried about is how the problem has not improved. In the early 2000s the number of people with PreDiabetes was around 25%. The statistics below represent where we are at now in 2023.


  • Among the population in the USA, the total number with diabetes is an alarming 37.3 million, which accounts for 11.3% of the USA population.
  • Out of this, 28.7 million individuals, including 28.5 million adults, have been diagnosed with diabetes.
  • There are 8.5 million undiagnosed cases, which accounts for 23.0% of adults who have diabetes.


  • A total of 96 million adults aged 18 years or older have prediabetes, which accounts for 38.0% of the adult population in the US.
  • Among individuals aged 65 years or older, 26.4 million individuals, which is 48.8% of this age group, have prediabetes.

Should we just stop eating? This sounds so difficult!

Well that would just not be practical. We have to eat and we have to navigate our busy lives. The least we can do is offer snacks and drinks in our Healthy Vending Machines that have less sugar, no MSG, less un-saturated fat and less salt. We still have to eat, and it’s nice to eat food that tastes good. We just need opportunities to reduce. Oh, and also it’s good to exercise that helps when we splurge and eat bad food. Ha!

What kind of snacks can you find in Healthy Vending?

Your Employees & Customers Want Healthy Options

In a recent study, nearly all respondents reported that they are trying to improve at least one aspect of their eating habits. This same study stated that the “healthfulness” of a product greatly impacted (by 61%) a respondent’s decision to purchase it.

With over 1,200 healthy drink, snack and meal products to choose from, your employees or customers could soon be enjoying delicious items that can be:

  • Organic
  • Low-calorie
  • Low-fat
  • Kosher
  • Gluten-free
  • Low-carb
  • All natural

If this is the first time you’ve heard of healthy vending, give it a chance! People often equate healthy with food that tastes bland. 

Two comments on that…
The more sweet or salty food you eat, the more your body craves to eat something sweeter. Flavors just keep growing in intensity.

Be KIND to your body, and tame the amount of sugar, salt and flavor you require for food to taste good in your standards of how you judge. Taste can often be subjective. When you stop to admire the natural taste of main ingredients without having to jazz it up you may be surprised and appreciate the natural taste of what we eat in meats, vegetables and fruit.

When it comes to healthy vending, give it a try! 

Active Life Vending is here to bring you delicious snacks with a healthy twist. Since we are based here in The Woodlands, we strive to bring you excellent service!

Click the link below to read more!


Also, if you would like a Healthy Vending Machine at your location please contact us. We would love to work with you to provide healthier snack choices for your employees.

Sources and References:

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